Monday, February 7, 2011


So i haven't blogged much because the last few days have been very minor in things we've been doing so i figured i would wait and put the time in on a free day, but then i forgot until now.

So today was a free day because it was a holiday, so i spent much of the day lounging, got my laundry done, did a tiny bit of portfolio and listened to some music to relax. After boredom kicked in Janet and i went to the market, i got some of my gift buying out of the way and we just wandered around for a while. We came home and then not long after being here Michelle and Caila came by so we all went to a cafe to hang around for a couple hours. Now we're home, i'm about to put on fresh PJ's and go to sleep.

Yesterday we went to a place that is like a provincal park kinda, but crappier. It is in the middle of the military base so it was a bit strange there, but there wasn't much to do. We went into a cave and did that walk, and that only took about 30-40 mins to go in and come back out. Then we sat and soaked up some sun for a while before Michelle and I went for horseback rides. Which sounds great, but the horses are so trained to go on one trail, at one speed, that it wasn't as fun as we thought, but it did make me want to ride more so thats something i hope to pick up more of in the near future. We decided to leave and came back to town and went for lunch, we had split up and 4 of us went to a little place that had fabulous food (and the banana shake things i like!) It was superbowl time and i watched some on my computer, then we went to a bar and saw the halftime show, at 8pm we went to a play called Palenque Rojo, which was quite good. The costumes reminded me of the lion king play.

 Saturday we went to a museum about the Lacondon (wrong spelling) jungle called Na Balom, which was really interesting but many of us were so tired it was hard to enjoy it. A couple of us went out for some food which was a lot of fun.

I think that catches me up, sorry there isn't more detail hopefully i do something detail worthy tomorrow!

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