Sunday, February 13, 2011

The last few days

Friday: We went with our Natate Groups again but we were helping to set up for an event, we were carring paintings to the most gorgeous hotel i've ever seen, and then arranging some flowers for an exhibit they were holding. All in all we didn't do much that day, we were off at 1 o'clock and then a little while later we toured the market and went to a bead store (i'm going to start making earrings) and then that was about it.

Saturday: We did a project with Natate as a whole group. We took two combis out of town to a village called Teopisca and then we took two open backed trucks up the mountain (most fun i've had the whole trip, by far.) of course i wanted to sit on the edge again, up to a property waaay up the mountain. The scenery was gorgeous, the land was nothing short of stunning and what they're doing there was amazing. They're basically a group of volunteers from all around the world (people come and go) and they live off the land, they have worm compost bins, a greenhouse, outdoor gardens, a dry toilet, and they made the house themselves. They sleep on cots inside of tents in the house, they use rain water as their water (accept they will bring jugs of drinking water up from time to time) and they for the most part only use their ingredients or local ingredients. The whole thing was amazing, after the tour and explanation of the place we were able to choose from 3 jobs to do. 1, make adobe bricks for the try toilet. 2, plant a garden. 3, build a chicken coop. I chose the adobe, with full awareness i would be covered in mud once i was done. The process consists of using the mud and mixing in pine needles and then putting in sand of the dried mud we were using to turn it into a thick clay. And how do we mix it? with our bare feet.

So the learning experience was pretty amazing, the people we've met through Natate has been really fabulous and i'm really glad we got to do this day, it has been my favourite so far.

Today is a free day and after having to walk down the mountain instead of take trucks, my legs are killing me thanks to my Reetone shoes, so i plan on being lazy for lots of the day. We do however have to go out for meals but until then i may blog and read and sit around.

4 days until we leave san cristobal and go to the jungle, 10 days until i leave for home! :D

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