Thursday, February 10, 2011

5 million

My uncle posted a blog asking the question, "What would you do if you had $5 million? And I don’t mean “what do you want; as in, what would you buy”, what I mean is: what do you desire to do—that you aren’t doing now—that you would be doing if you had $5 million? And if you can answer this question, then ask yourself: is this all that’s holding me back from doing what I desire most? Is the fear of not having enough money the one thing that is keeping me from doing what I desire?" 

Which got me to thinking, often i would answer this question with traveling, helping family, buying a house, etc. but within that, i would really like to have work be an optional thing in my life. Not to have to go to work everyday, but to be able to find something i love to do and do it, without worry of money, without settling for a job that i'm unhappy with. To be able to stay home, be a mom, make my jewelry, focus on more photography, be able to appreciate the time i've got on my hands each day, instead of it flying by because i'm distracted with unhappiness. So what would i do if i had 5 million dollars? i would buy a house with rooms for a library, josh's editing suite and somewhere to make my jewelry, and keep the rest aside for whenever we need it. 

I don't want to live life saying "i wish i did that when i was younger." I want to cross everything off my bucket list.

I highly recommend reading his blog.

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