Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Down Slope.

We're on our 15th day in mexico, 14th in San Cristobal.
This is the point in the trip where we're supposed to hit the down slope, and i'm hitting it hard.  The noise, the exhaust smell, the frustration with our family, the constant stomach aches and bathroom trips, the body aches, the heat, the cold, the food, the language barrier, just about everything is hitting me hard that i'm not happy with here. I don't mean to make the whole trip sound awful but its just everytime i have a good day, i have 3 bad ones. This trip is an amazing opportunity yadda yadda yadda, i miss my bed, our food, my apartment, josh, my slippers, my shower, EVERYTHING.Now there are things i can do to get out of this slope, and if my stomach keeps this up, i'm going to resort to staying home and trying to get better tomorrow and missing a day.

I also am frustrated because i need a change of scenery, we've been in this city for 2 weeks and i'm finished here, time to move onto somewhere else. Lets hope the stomach aches stop by then though.

Anyways, so today we went to Freeba, a Human Rights organization that is very well known around the world, we got some awesome information from them on the history of Chiapas and the Zapatistas. We had a break for lunch and i went to the market to buy some gifts for people back home and then we were meeting again at 5 for a different task. We met and went to meet an organization, Natate, who does partnerships for jobs with habitat for humanity and other organizations like that for volunteer opportunities. We're working with them for 5 days before we go to the jungle, and i'll update more on that when i have the details but for now i'm going to head to bed and hope i feel better.

miss you all. <3

1 comment:

  1. ...hey Jodie...sounds like you have an opportunity to try changing your perception on things; as in, trying not to label what you see or feel as good or bad...just as it is. Your mind, as everyones' mind does, uses beliefs and values and emotions to judge the reality they perceive in situations and things in life... the problem is, as you think, so shall you feel... both emotionally, and physically... good luck

    PS: if you haven't shit your pants yet you can't call yourself an expat...lol
