Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday Monday

Monday we continued with our Natate projects, so up the stairs we went again to do some more digging. After it was quittin' time i went to pick up my laundry, came home to chat/email/shower and then in the afternoon we were going to meet at the treehouse for a de-brief. It was fairly productive for the most part and we got lots out of the way. Only 2 days until we leave for the jungle!! i'm so excited, it really is going to be an awesome adventure.

Today i am visiting the doctor to hopefully get something for my constant upset stomach, i will update on the result of that after. As a result of that i won't be going to my project today (oh darn) but hopefully will be attending the evaluations this afternoon. Tomorrow is our debrief of san cristobal and then thursday we meet at 6AM TO LEAVE FOR THE JUNGLE. (it's an 8 hour drive or more, blechk.)

Also an early heads up, i won't have internet in the jungle, (obviously) so from the night of the 16th-at least the 19th i won't be updating but i will write and then post them all when i get back to internet! :)

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