Sunday, January 30, 2011


Today i'm still not feeling well, but a group of us were travelling to a place called Monte Sion (not sure about the spelling right now), i can't give too much detail on the day because only half of our group got to go today, the others go wednesday so i will give a full update on that once the other group has gone. The bit i can talk about was transportation, the way there we took a combi van out there, and on the way home we took the back of a pickup truck, (and i was on the end seat, no seatbelts, hoping me holding a bar would save me.) which was actually really cool exepct for the uncomfortable seats and the bumps. (Mom lacey took a picture of me for you to see lol). Other then that the rest will be explained in a future blog :)

On sunday's in mexico, the families have the day to not have to worry about our meals etc. so today we had to worry about our own breakfast and lunch etc. which we all did as a group (mind you i hardly ate at either time) so we are now killing time in the house and relaxing because we give the family some space.

so since i can't really write about the stuff we did today, i will write about some of the things i've noticed or thats different etc. One thing that sticks out all the time is the overwhelming smell of exhaust almost everywhere you go. Its really hard to get used to, its just so gross tasting and smelling and its everywhere. Another thing that is very common is indigenous women and girls coming up and trying to sell belts, pashminas, bracelets, and many many many other things, its something that i'm not totally getting used to, and its weird that the phrase i say the most is "no gracias". Not being able to flush toilet paper has been really weird and frankly kind of a gross feeling for me. Its something that i don't think i'll get used to, even if the toilet paper is scented. The sidewalks are very different, they're really high off the road and really narrow; The ground in general is very uneven and you have to constantly watch your step. The temperatures isn't something i'm enjoying because during the day its so warm, but at night its freezing. So it causes often impractical dress for the weather because its so on and off, if the sun gets covered its a collllllld place. Although they warned us of that, its still colder then expected. Makes me miss my bed even more, and my blankets and my heater i call joshua. Which also brings up the problem that i didn't pack cool sleeping clothes for the jungle (woops) so i have to buy some shorts for sure. The driving here is in one word, crazy. I can't believe we havent seen an accident, there are no stop signs or lights hardly anywhere, people just take their chances turning corners half the time; Which makes crossing the street a pretty scary thing. The food is pretty good, but its stuff that in my opinion gets to be an old taste, fast. I'm not really into tortillas or cheese anymore, i'm even getting a bit sick of fruit. But the street potato chips are amazing, and there is a lot of good stuff here too i'm just feeling yucky and i'm complaining a bit lol. There is the other side of everything that my family is nice, i'm getting better at spanish, the people are interesting and we've been able to do some cool stuff.

Also, people are fascinated with blondes. Like...REALLY interested. The staring here is pretty common, especially when we're all in a group; there are several things that have brought attention to us, but i seem to be very interesting to people because i'm the only full head of blonde hair in our group, and i'm seeing very few fellow blondes here so i can understand the rare image being exciting or whatever.

24 days until the flight home, which i'm pretty excited for. i miss so much. <3

1 comment:

  1. ...sounds like a precursor to Mada... on a scale of 1-10 Mexico is 6 and Mada is 2... However, Mada has have much car exhaust because there aren't many cars... lots of garbage to smell, Same dog problem... 24 days is a coffee break... enjoy the adventure and try not to perceive your enviroment through first-country eyes... you'll be a different person when you return to Canada; much more grateful... love UT
