Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So we're here


I apologize for my lack of energy and availability to post about my trip so far, i would include pictures but i figure i can start that tomorrow, or sometime soon.

Anyways, the trip from belleville to San Cristobal has been a long one, actually, thats an understatement. It has been a long, exhausting and frustrating trip, but now that we've arrived, it was pretty worth it.

It started by leaving the loyalist caf at Midnight on the 24th, (so really the 25th) and driving to pearson airport, where we arrive at 2:30, and we couldn't go through any steps until 3:30, so it was some sitting around for a while. Once we got through, we went through customs and security and whatnot, (which turned out to be a breeze, lucky us!) and our flight going to chicago departed at 6:25am. Once we arrived in chicago it was time to do some more waiting before our flight to Mexico City. (to jump ahead) once we were in Mexico City, it was a 6 hour wait (time for some catchphrase!) until our plane to Tuxtla where we would be staying the night in a hotel. nce arrived in Tuxtla we had an overwhelmingly exhilirating cab ride for about half an hour, the breeze was a fantastic feeling after so many stuffy plane rides. The first two plane rides were a little less than smooth, second flight we had some motion sickness in a couple people but we all made it! the third was fairly smooth, the landing however, was a little iffy. All in all, we're all glad to be here, the hours upon hours we were travelling i slept maybe for half an hour, so within 24 hours thats all the sleep i had.

The hotel was pretty cute, the beds however, were atrocious. If you've ever tried sleeping on a gym mat, the flat ones that feel almost worse then the floor, thats how comfortable our beds were. Either way, it was nice to have a bed, even if i had to use my sweatshirt to make the pillow a regular size. I killed a mosquito and then found another one alive under my pillow, killed it too, i'm fighting malaria! And tuxtla is pretty warm, woops on the forgetting sleep shorts.

My favourite thing of that whole day? every cup or bottle of orange juice i had was perfect. The bottle i bought on the way to pearson, the bottle at perason, the giant cup in chicago, the glasses on the mexico city flight, all cold and flawless OJ. Second best was getting a phone card and being able to make some contact with joshua and mom :) (the computer was dead and the airports didnt have free wifi) so this is my first time using the computer since toronto!

The food has been fantastic, from fresh watermelon juice (no addatives, just blended watermelon and water!) and pinapple juice, fried bananas, fresh fruit, tacos (of course), rice, soup, mexican dishes, and the hot sauces are TO DIE FOR! I also had a banana smoothie with leche (milk) and it was probably the most fabulous thing i've ever tasted. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the food i get to try.

The drive from Tuxtla to San Cristobal was about an hour and 20 mins, but it was gorgeous beyond compare (i will post pictures but they in no way do the trip justice). We started at 20m above sea level, and within minutes we were 2000m above sea level, we were cloud level in some places, it was amazing. Driving up the mountains is something i would reccommend to anyone anytime.

San Cristobal de las Casas is a cool place, the textile market is by far my favourite place (obviously) but the shops are neat and the surroundings and the view is spectacular! (google images may help you understand ;)

I got scared by a pidgeon, i will tell that story when i return, just putting it here as a reminder.

I miss home lots, but i'm doing okay as of right now, my spanish is horrendus (uh oh) but im sure everything will work itself out! Sending my love back home, i can't wait to be back. I love you all, and i miss you, and feel free to email on my hotmail or facebook to get ahold of me whenever :)


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