Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quest day!

Our evening was freezing last night, so the sleep was pretty uncomfortable because of all the shivering, i slept in a sweater and trackpants and was still freezing my butt off, and the follow up to that was no hot water! so i had a difficult time this morning, breakfast was hot cakes and fresh squeezed oj (so fresh that there were seeds in our cups) but the hot cakes made me miss home because josh makes such fab pancakes.

After we ate we were off on our "quest", given a map and directions we break off into groups of 3 and explore the city. Our group first went to the guadalupe church at the top of many many stairs. (look at all of them!) this was at around 9:30

After climbing up and then back down, we were on our way to other check points, (pictures on facebook will be uploaded.) We went to areas like the weavers market (its got so much gorgeous stuff), different side streets and different churches and attractions, we talked to locals, explored buildings and gardens, oh and we climbed to the top of this!

to see this view! (but it was exhausting.)

we made a dog friend! well since we're not allowed to pet the street dogs we didnt touch her, but she followed us for about an hour, she even was guarding us at the market, people rode bikes by us and if they were too close she would bark. so cute:  (i named her carols paulo, i know its a boy name, but its mexican)

We tried a few new foods today, i got home made potatoe chips, with lime and hot sauce on them:

Coconut with some sauce that tasted like butt, several things at a vegetarian buffet (i had AMAZING soup), more deep fried bananas, more watermelon juice, i had a churro (my new love), and i think thats about it. I can't remember all the food! (its so delicious, and cheap as anything.)

I bought some things at the weavers market, i got a spiderman finger puppet, wool slipper/boot things and a pair of gorgeous earrings for mama, made of coconut!

it was certainly a busy day, and tomorrow will be too. I hope i didn't really forget anything in here, but im sure i did somewhere. OH. we heard a backstreet boys song in spanish at one place, and then achey breaky heart in spanish at another! it was pretty hilarious. i got quite sunburnt, i've started quite the farmers tan, woops. my legs are so sore from all the steps oh sheesh.

goodnight, sending my love! <3

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